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What is the Button Under the Lock Button on iPhone 13?

What is the Button Under the Lock Button on iPhone 13?

The iPhone 13 is the latest model of the famous iPhone line produced by Apple. It comes with many new features and a completely redesigned body. One of the most intriguing features of the iPhone 13 is the button located underneath the lock button. This mysterious button has led to much speculation about its purpose.

The Purpose of the Button

The button located underneath the lock button of the iPhone 13 serves as a shortcut to the Emergency SOS feature. The Emergency SOS feature allows users to quickly call emergency services, such as police, fire, and ambulance, with just a few taps on the screen. In addition to calling emergency services, the Emergency SOS feature also sends out a notification to the user’s contacts, informing them of the situation.

How to Use the Button

Using the Emergency SOS button is very easy. All you need to do is press and hold the button located underneath the lock button. After a few seconds, a menu will appear on the screen with the option to call emergency services. You can also choose to cancel the call or send a message to your contacts. Once you have selected the option you want, the call will be placed.

Benefits of the Button

The Emergency SOS button has a number of benefits for users. First, it makes it easier and faster to call for help in an emergency situation. This can be especially useful for people who are in danger or need immediate assistance. In addition, the button makes it easier to contact the authorities in case of an emergency situation, such as a fire or medical emergency. Finally, the button can provide peace of mind to users who are concerned about their safety.

Limitations of the Button

Although the Emergency SOS button is a great feature, there are some limitations to be aware of. For example, it can only be used to call emergency services in certain countries. In addition, the button is not available on all iPhone models. Finally, the button is only useful if the user knows how to use it, so it is important to educate yourself on how to use the button in an emergency situation.

Alternative Solutions

If you do not have an iPhone 13 or you are in a country where the Emergency SOS button is not available, there are a few alternative solutions available. For example, most smartphones have a dedicated emergency call button built into the lock screen. This button can be used to quickly call emergency services in an emergency situation. In addition, most countries have dedicated emergency numbers that can be called from any phone.


The button located underneath the lock button of the iPhone 13 is a shortcut to the Emergency SOS feature. This feature allows users to quickly call for help in an emergency situation. The button is a great feature for users who are concerned about their safety, but it is important to be aware of its limitations and alternative solutions.

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