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Is It Good To Charge Your iPhone To 100?

Is It Good To Charge Your iPhone To 100?

When it comes to charging your iPhone, is it better to charge it to 100% or should you stop at a lower percentage? This is a question that has many answers, depending on who you ask.

For starters, it is important to understand the iPhone battery and how it works. The iPhone battery is made of a lithium-ion battery that charges quickly and holds its charge well. The battery is designed to last for 500 full charge cycles and then will start to lose capacity. This means that over time, the battery will eventually need to be replaced.

It is recommended to charge your iPhone up to 80% and then unplug it. This is because the battery is designed so that the last 20% of the charge is the slowest to charge and the most damaging to the battery. So, if you are charging your phone to 100%, you are essentially overcharging it and it can shorten the battery life.

The Benefits Of Not Charging To 100%

The main benefit of not charging your iPhone to 100% is to preserve the battery life. When you overcharge the battery, it can cause damage to the battery and lead to a shorter lifespan. By not charging to 100%, you can extend the life of your battery and get more out of it.

Another benefit of not charging to 100% is that it saves you time. The last 20% of the charge takes the longest to reach, so if you are in a hurry, it can be beneficial to charge up to 80% and then unplug the phone.

When Should You Charge To 100%?

There are some situations where it is beneficial to charge your iPhone to 100%. For example, if you are travelling for a long period of time or if you are in an area without power for a long period of time, it may be a good idea to charge your phone to 100% so that you have enough power to get through the day.

Another time when it may be beneficial to charge your iPhone to 100% is if you are going to be using your phone heavily throughout the day. If you know that you will be using the phone all day and need the battery to last, it may be worth it to charge the phone to 100% so that you have the longest battery life possible.


In conclusion, charging your iPhone to 100% is not always the best idea. Most of the time, it is better to charge your phone up to 80% and then unplug it. This will help to preserve the battery life and save you time. However, there are some situations where it may be beneficial to charge your iPhone to 100%, such as when you are travelling for a long period of time or when you will be using your phone heavily throughout the day.

When it comes to charging your iPhone, it is important to do so wisely. Charging your iPhone to 100% is not always the best idea, as it can cause damage to the battery and shorten its lifespan. However, there are some situations where it may be beneficial to charge to 100%, such as when you are travelling or need a lot of power throughout the day.

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