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How to Keep Your iPhone Battery Healthy

How to Keep Your iPhone Battery Healthy

Having an iPhone is great; it allows you to stay connected with your friends and family, stream videos, listen to music, and so much more. But, if your iPhone battery is not functioning properly, it can be difficult to do any of those things. To ensure your battery remains healthy and functioning, there are a few steps you can take to keep it in good shape.

Charge Your iPhone at the Right Time

The best time to charge your iPhone is when the battery is between 25% and 80%. Charging it more than this can damage the battery and reduce its lifespan. When charging your phone, it’s also important to avoid overcharging it. This means not leaving it plugged in after it’s fully charged. Doing this can cause the battery to overheat and reduce its lifespan.

Don’t Leave Your iPhone Charging Overnight

Leaving your iPhone charging overnight can be bad for your battery. This is because your phone will continue to charge even after it’s at 100%, which can cause it to overheat and cause damage to the battery. If you want to make sure your battery is healthy, it’s best to unplug it once it reaches 100%.

Keep Your iPhone Away from Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures can cause damage to your iPhone battery. This means it’s important to keep your phone away from direct sunlight and to avoid leaving it in a hot car. It’s also important to avoid leaving it in cold temperatures, as this can cause the battery to drain faster.

Turn Off Unneeded Features

Certain features on your iPhone can drain the battery faster than others. This includes features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and location services. If you’re not using these features, it’s best to turn them off to conserve your battery life.

Keep Your iPhone Updated

It’s important to make sure your iPhone is running the latest version of iOS. This is because Apple often releases new updates that include bug fixes and improvements to the battery life. To ensure your phone is up to date, you can check the “Software Update” section in the Settings app.

Use Low Power Mode When Needed

Low power mode is a great feature for conserving your iPhone’s battery life. When enabled, this mode can help to reduce the amount of power your phone is using by disabling certain features such as background app refresh and automatic downloads. To enable low power mode, go to the “Battery” section in the Settings app.

Calibrate Your iPhone Battery

If you’ve noticed your iPhone’s battery life has been decreasing, it might be time to calibrate your battery. This process involves completely draining your battery, then recharging it to 100%. This can help to reset the battery meter and improve your battery life. To do this, simply use your phone until it shuts off, then plug it in and charge it until it’s fully charged.

Replace Your Battery if Needed

If you’ve tried all of the above tips and your battery is still not performing as it should, it might be time to replace the battery. This can be done at an Apple Store or by a certified technician. If you do replace the battery, you’ll want to make sure you use an original Apple battery, as this will help to ensure your phone’s performance is not compromised.

While it’s not always easy to keep your iPhone battery healthy, taking the steps outlined above can help to ensure your battery is functioning properly. By avoiding overcharging your phone, keeping it away from extreme temperatures, and updating your phone, you can help to extend your battery’s lifespan and keep it performing as it should.

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