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Are All iPhones 16 9?

Are All iPhones 16 9?

The 16:9 aspect ratio is an all too familiar one when it comes to phones, but it may surprise you to learn that not all iPhones are 16:9. In fact, the earliest models of Apple’s iconic smartphone used a 3:2 aspect ratio. So why did Apple decide to switch to 16:9, and what does it mean for users? Here, we’ll explore the history of aspect ratios in iPhones, and the implications for modern users.

The History of Aspect Ratios in iPhones

The very first iPhones were released in 2007 and featured a 3:2 aspect ratio. This ratio was chosen because it closely resembles the aspect ratio of a standard 4×6 photo. The 3:2 aspect ratio also allowed for more vertical real estate, which was beneficial for users who wanted to see more information at once. However, in 2010, Apple decided to switch to a 16:9 aspect ratio in their latest model.

The switch to 16:9 was made in order to provide users with a wider field of view. This allowed for a better viewing experience when watching videos, as well as improved gaming experiences. Additionally, the 16:9 aspect ratio allows for more pixels to be packed into the same amount of space, allowing for higher resolution displays.

Implications for Modern Users

Today, most iPhones feature a 16:9 aspect ratio, with the exception of the iPhone SE, which still uses the 3:2 aspect ratio. The 16:9 aspect ratio provides users with a more immersive experience when watching videos, playing games, or using apps that make use of the wider field of view. Additionally, the wider aspect ratio allows for more pixels to be packed into the same amount of space, allowing for higher resolution displays.

However, the 16:9 aspect ratio can make it more difficult to use certain apps that were designed for the 3:2 aspect ratio. Additionally, the wider aspect ratio can make it more difficult to view certain types of content, such as text-heavy websites or long-form articles.


In conclusion, the 16:9 aspect ratio is the most common aspect ratio used in iPhones today, with the exception of the iPhone SE. The 16:9 aspect ratio provides users with a wider field of view, allowing for a more immersive experience when watching videos, playing games, or using apps. However, the 16:9 aspect ratio can make it more difficult to use certain apps that were designed for the 3:2 aspect ratio, as well as make it more difficult to view certain types of content.

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